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Definition of problems and potential of the territory (November 10)

Audio transcript:

0:58 Our strategy is based mainly on 2 parts: we have the part in blue, which is the most urbanized part, and we have the other colored ones, which are the rural areas, more to do with the river areas. In the part in blue, as it is a more urbanized area it is more defined, we will not work as much. We are going to solve other types of problems such as Mobility, the relationship with Porto, how can we convince more people from Porto to come to this area, whether through new services or through roads. How can this fluency be created between the part of Porto on the other side of the vci and this area of Porto. In the most colorful part, the rivers, we will also try to create this dynamic of affluence, of pulling people towards the river area, more from an intervention through green corridors, trying to connect spaces to the rest of the territory._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


2:30 Let's try to make a transition from the colorful areas to the more urbanized area.


2:45 Here we have two big areas with different problems.


Enumeration of problems: 

  1. Mobility (we can't get to the colored parts, we have a route - you enter on one side, you leave on the other. You can't get to the center where you want - to the city center)

  2. Urban Transition 

  3. Forgotten rural spaces 

  4. Rio Torto is hidden in the middle of the vegetation and has a lot of potential to be a public space, for people to enjoy it 

  5. Heights of the landscape we have

  6. Security, in terms of lighting and narrow, rural streets, the fact that it is not accessible. Teacher's intervention: don't call it insecurity, call it humanization of space. Insecurity gives a feeling that this is crime territory and it is not. Catarina: but I think this is the idea that many people have of space. I, for example, would not feel safe going there alone at night, while in other areas of Porto this situation does not exist. 

  7. Decentralization or peripheralization of this space in relation to the city (Having the idea that the territory after the VCI is no longer Porto). The purple/blue area is an area that is semi-integrated into the city, but the colored area is not. Catarina: but also, in the blue part, as a person I don't feel very safe, because it's an area with social housing, among other things. Teacher: what is the problem with housing estates? Catarina: it ends up crowding people who are more in contact with the world of crime Teacher: But why? Catarina: Drugs… [intervention from colleagues] Professor: The problem is not the existence of social housing. The problem is the… see 8 

  8. Non-integration of social housing space in the city space (peripheralization both in the more rural, naturalized areas and in the more urban areas). The social neighborhood itself is a peripheralization of the city - in the sense that each social neighborhood has its “own world” - and that probably has a stigma, to which Mateus reacted, jumping on you. The fact that it is peripheral does not mean that it is not at the center. Often the feeling of periphery is a psychological feeling.

  9. The connection of the roads with Porto (vci, railway lines). Teacher: What is the problem with the railway line? Marco: Trying to improve the connection we have with… Teacher: But the problem is not the railway. The problem is the railway channel and the wound it causes in the territory. Unlike the metro, which integrates.

  10. Relationship with Gondomar. Teacher: How is this porous border worked? Is there a connection, isn't there a connection, is there a kind of non-place at certain times and a person doesn't know where he is? This is a problem? Catarina: In a way, it has potential for us to work on because we don't have a physical barrier that says: this is Porto, this is Gondomar. I think this is a positive point on our terrain. Teacher: how do you enhance this position? How can they leverage the fact that there is no physical barrier? Catarina: In the strategic continuity, of the type of urban intervention that we are going to do. Teacher: And wouldn't they also leverage having exactly the same type of planning for one municipality as for the other municipality? (Topographic synthesis plans and PDM's are not related between the two municipalities) Catarina: Yes, that's it, in other words that's what I wanted to say. Fix issue 10: There is an administrative border. How is this compatible? This is a planning issue. 


Potentialities of the territory:

  1. The valleys make us connect the most residential area… Teacher: How does the topography value the terrain? Topographical diversity is a good thing on the ground; it gives diversity to the landscape and can be monetized by your plan 

  2. It's in the middle of a diffused city, relatively close to a centrality that enhances many things, but it has the advantage of being in a relatively quiet, peaceful area in terms of no urban disturbances, where there's silence, where there's a set of advantages that has been lost in urban centers. This is an area that can be called an extended city. 

  3. Connection from road and rail routes. Professor: Isn't it what you were talking about, the overlapping of two or three city meshes: a fast layer that is the highways, vci, trains, etc., the intermediate layer that is that relatively strong, urbanized area, which is the blue/purple zone - São Roque, Campanhã and it also exists in the big warehouses, in the big industrial zones and a third layer which is the natural layer - which is something that we start to feel when we approach the valleys.

  4. Existing experimental field. Teacher: but the seller does not want to build here. Look for a green, humanized space, where people and children can walk without colliding with vehicles, where they can be safe. 

Definition of strategic principles (14 November)

Definition of the strategy (November 15)

Redefinition of the plan area in a more detailed aspect (November 15)

Definition of the UOPG and redefinition of the problem areas (November 17)

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Spatialization of problems and strategic principles (November 17)

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Total territory strategy discussion (November 20)

Spatialization of strategic principles (November 22-24)

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PROJECT 5  |  CLASS B  |_cc781905-5cde-3193-3194-bbGRUPO


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